To all my fellow bloggers and blog readers

Welcome to my little space of the world. Kick off your shoes, loosen your belts (oh wait, that applies to me :-), get comfy and stay awhile........I hope you will keep coming back.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Who am I?

Hey everyone! So glad you were curious enough to come to my page.
I am really just a very simple person who loves life and loves people. I have a beautiful son and I think he is a huge blessing!! He has autism and is not able to make friends easily. It makes me sad that I can't make everything perfect for him, but he is a happy, affectionate boy and I feel really blessed that God thought me equipped enough to take care of him and guide him through life!!

I love to read and write. Now if you are expecting deep thoughts and all that good stuff, I sometimes have some of that too:-), just not all the time!

I am just going to share my journey through life, good and bad and all the in betweens (when I remember) and I hope that you guys will feel free to send me comments, whether you agree with me or not. Obviously I can't expect everyone to think like me or agree with me, but I would ask that you be respectful when you share your opinions.

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