To all my fellow bloggers and blog readers

Welcome to my little space of the world. Kick off your shoes, loosen your belts (oh wait, that applies to me :-), get comfy and stay awhile........I hope you will keep coming back.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, lots of things have been going on in this world of ours. Martin Luther King’s daughter died yesterday, as did Rev. Jerry Falwell, Paris Hilton is going to jail and Shrek 3 is out. Oh, and Anna Nichole Smith died months ago (only one would think it just happened yesterday because Entertainment Tonight WILL NOT LET IT GO!!) Omg! That poor girl probably needs more drugs in her grave. They are digging up every little bit of video and photo record there is on Anna. And they want to talk about the Paparazzi as though they are sooooooo much better! Please!!

Anyway, I wrote all that to say this….we are so quick to point fingers at other people but ignore the fact that we do the same things all the time. For example, the ladies on the show, ‘The View’. For some strange reason, they have decided to become the morality police, self-appointed, of course!! They talk about role models for kids and stuff like that. Now, I am all for kids having positive role models but I do think that the parents should always be the people that the children look up to first. The parents have to be a shining example for the kids before expecting anyone else to be. But I digress. Paris being famous for being famous does not impress the ladies on The View!! Hey, if the world is buying it, it ain’t Ms. Hilton’s fault. Now I think she was not very smart to have drinks and then drive, knowing full well that she had a suspended driver’s license, but hey, her problem. I think she should pay for that but I don’t think we should be doing cartwheels and doing the running man just because she is going to jail!! Have a heart!!:-)

My problem is that while Rosie and the Gang are pointing fingers at the rest of the world, they are not practicing what they preach. I know that a lot of people were upset that Britney Spears married K Fed. Again, their (Brit and K Fed) problem. I can understand their respective relatives feeling one way or the other about it, but anyone else! Anyway, when they announced that they were getting a divorce, the ladies? on The View were ecstatic and were cheering with confetti raining down on them. Now this young couple was married and had two children. Hello! Rosie, kids are watching you getting really excited about a family breaking up. What kind of message are YOU sending to those impressionable young kids?? Think about that!

Bottom line, take care of your kids, teach them the difference between right and wrong and while they may not always get it right when they go out into the world, your voice should be their conscience, always in the back of their minds, telling them to do the right thing. Teach them to be accountable for their own actions and don’t help them to blame everyone and everything else. I know I still hear my Mom’s voice in the back of my noggin. I don’t always make the best choices, but I DO always know that I CAN make the right choice, regardless of what is going on in the world.

Just a little food for thought:-)

Have a nice day!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Just because I like bitching and moaning does not mean that good things don't happen to me or that I am not grateful when they do. It's just easier to talk about bad stuff!!! I mean, who wants to hear about my tax returns?

When really good stuff happens, I call my sister Ally, and we rejoice together. Who the heck else cares? But that saying about misery loving company is very true. For example, I have no idea whether David Hasselhoff is actually working or not, I don't even think about him on a regular day. But I am really sad to say that I have been watching the heck out of his drunken, eating-a- burger - on the floor video!! I feel like such a bad person But, moving along, my bitching this morning is about my damn builders (ones who built , build my house, whichever one applies).

These #@#$%$#@s are supposed to be fixing my master bathroom floor. K, not a bad thing. So they tell me, we are sending someone over at 10.00 am on Wednesday the 9th of May. Fine, I have time to go to the gym, run for an hour and come home in time to let them in because I simply am not the type of person to leave some stranger in my house, alone, with my stuff. Anyway, I get my son ready for school, get dressed to work out and head out the door. These fools have the guy sitting outside my house, ready to work!!!! It is 8.07am!!! So, do I tell them I have to go out and they told me 10.00, anyway? Or do I send my son to school and let him come in and start to work? Might seem like a no-brainer to most people but my life should be that uncomplicated!!! See, I have to psyche myself up to go to the damn gym in the first place! So, I am ready now and I KNOW for a fact that I will definitely not go later (if you read my weight loss blog you know what I am talking about, if not, oh well )

On the other hand, I have been using a busted up bathroom for weeks and if he goes away now, heaven only knows when they will send him back again. So, my son goes to school, the floor guy comes in. And stands there looking at me. Huh?! Oh, he wants me to show him the way and he is the strong silent type. NOT!! In the bathroom. Standing staring at me. What now? Oh, he doesn't speak English, I, unfortunately, don't speak Spanish (I want to learn how to and I will…..whole nother story) and I am supposed to tell him what to do!!!! I call the builders, they are not in yet!! About to blow a gasket. Guy standing, smiling at me. I'm smiling back thinking, 'I am going to strangle you' until I realize, it's definitely not his fault. He speaks perfect Spanish and a little English, so what? His boss is the one who should have told him what to do!! I offer him some coffee, but some of my earlier bad feelings must have shown on my face or something, because he said, 'no thank you' and smiled some more.

Suddenly, he pulls out his cell phone and says, 'Boss speak English' Can you believe that mess? Calls said boss, says something to him, then hands me the phone. Boss asks if there is a problem, I fume silently for a couple secs, then ask what the guy has been told to do. He tells me that he is supposed to make the floor look nice. Look nice?! Look nice?! It looks nice because I make it look nice!!! No, idiot, he is supposed to level out the flipping floor! It has a dip in it and you came out before to fix it and still did a crappy job! You had better get it right this time! Finally, the builder guy shows up (I left a couple nice messages and another one, not so nice) and tells him what to do. Hope they get it right this time!

I am so pissed off because I can't work out so I am currently going downstairs to look for some waffles or something. I can't stand the stress so I have to eat

I'm just gonna go offer Ole boy coffee, again!

My Sister's Video

So, I'm trolling the web...again!:-) and I come across this video. It's my sister, Tammy a few years ago. She did a whole album of Motown covers (pretty good, I might add) but I had never actually seen a video of her singing the songs, then, bam, I find four of them in one day!! Obviously they just had film of her singing and they have edited the film to make it look the way it does. Anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Also, for some funny and thought-provoking reads, go to my girl, Nadia's page and read her blogs at

Peace, y'all and feel free to leave a comment!

Tammi Lavette - Kiss My Love Goodbye

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What are you gonna do?

K, I have a young, impressionable son, and more often than not, when I go shopping, he goes with me. Now, you might be going, 'so what?' I'll tell you what!!!
There are some sales people out there who are really great and helpful and all that good stuff....... whatever!! Those are not the ones I am talking about, I'm talking bout the ones that follow you, ask if you need help, yeah, those ones!!! Well, I need help, yes, could you show me a desk that is not too big since it is going into a mid sized room and I don't want it to overwhelm the room. Oh, ok, I'll be right back.

So, I find a desk on my own because she does not come back for another 10 minutes and I could not be bothered to go and find her ass. She does come back, however, and asks me again if I need help!!!! Hello, your attention span cannot be worse than a two year old's....can it? I mean I am THE ONLY black woman in here with a black son and you offered to help me a sceond ago!! Inwardly I am calling her all sorts of names (see where I am going with this?) No? Go back to my opening statement!!! How can I tell him to be polite when I am acting the fool in the store, even though that woman deserved to have me do so.

Anyway. I get the ticket, go to pay for the desk, and, yeah, my new best friend is standing behind the counter! What the heck is this? the twilight zone? Punked?
Give her the ticket, smile and inwardly pray that she will get it right this time. Everything is going ahead smoothly, give her my address, credit card number, then wait while she types in .... I don't know what the heck she was typing. I'm mentally moving things around tha back of my suv to make space for the box.

"Oh, this is delivery only in this store, Ma am. They do have them in the Lynwood store though, if you would rather do that."
I'm quiet, because I KNOW she is not talking to me right now.
"Maam, do you want us to deliver it on the 12th? You will have to pay an extra $20.00 though"
No, Bitch, I need the desk today. I could have ordered it online if I wanted to wait for it. I told you that!!!!!! Of course I couldn't say it out loud....Robbie, remember? So I politely decline, ask for my credit card and driver's license back and ask her to please erase my information. She does, then has the nerve to ask if there's anything else she could do for me. Huh? I do not even want you to look at me, freak! Just shut up and go and find someone else to NOT help!

So, I'm traumatized and I STILL don't have a desk!

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow!! Unless it keeps snowing.......

Getting older

So, another birthday is here..............
I remember when I loved the thought of getting older and getting all those gifts and being the center of everyone's world for that one special day. Yeah, well I still love all that (the getting older bit, not so much) :-) but the gifts are still the biggest draw for me lol. I do have to say though, that the body is slowly is starting to break down.

I was brushing my hair and help! found gray hair on the brush but I am going to wear the gray hair proudly.......kinda. Also, the joints are not quite as supple as they were a few years ago, eyes don't see as well and staying up all night? Only in my dreams!

I feel wiser though, although that might be an illusion. I can do and say what I like without worrying about what anyone else thinks (besides the people I love, of course!) and I am ticking things off my life to-do list.

I have to send some love to my niece, Keisha, who turned fifteen yesterday. Happy Birthday, my darling. I love you too too much.

Fifteen!!!! Nice age, don't think I would not go back to fifteen....... now 20!!! Hmmm?!

So, to recap, older, gray hair, aching joints and stuff!! I'm loving and embracing it all! And the gifts and attention, what's not to love? As long as I can still do the dutty wine, right?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Summer is coming up. So? So I am FAT right now! I need to get into my summer clothes (can’t be hiding behind those sweats now, can I?) I know that everyone is talking about the skinny models, anorexia yada yada yada. I get it! We are sending bad messages to our kids and all that. Yeah, but I’m still fat!!!!

It seems as if everyone gets upset when someone talks about someone else being fat but the funny thing is that that same person will tell someone else that they “look GREAT!! Did you lose some weight?” So, which is it? Skinny is great, or fat is ok? I bet you anything that all those women who talk about being happy with their bodies would just die in ecstasy if they woke up 20 or 30 pounds lighter…..I know for sure that I would!!! Ay, just keeping it real.

So anyway, back to me, I have started working out again. Yeah, running, strength training and all that good stuff. I know it’s good for me, just wish someone would tell that to my aching body!!