Just because I like bitching and moaning does not mean that good things don't happen to me or that I am not grateful when they do. It's just easier to talk about bad stuff!!! I mean, who wants to hear about my tax returns?
But, moving along, my bitching this morning is about my damn builders (ones who built , build my house, whichever one applies).
These #@#$%$#@s are supposed to be fixing my master bathroom floor. K, not a bad thing. So they tell me, we are sending someone over at 10.00 am on Wednesday the 9th of May. Fine, I have time to go to the gym, run for an hour and come home in time to let them in because I simply am not the type of person to leave some stranger in my house, alone, with my stuff. Anyway, I get my son ready for school, get dressed to work out and head out the door. These fools have the guy sitting outside my house, ready to work!!!! It is 8.07am!!! So, do I tell them I have to go out and they told me 10.00, anyway? Or do I send my son to school and let him come in and start to work? Might seem like a no-brainer to most people but my life should be that uncomplicated!!! See, I have to psyche myself up to go to the damn gym in the first place! So, I am ready now and I KNOW for a fact that I will definitely not go later (if you read my weight loss blog you know what I am talking about, if not, oh well )
On the other hand, I have been using a busted up bathroom for weeks and if he goes away now, heaven only knows when they will send him back again. So, my son goes to school, the floor guy comes in. And stands there looking at me. Huh?! Oh, he wants me to show him the way and he is the strong silent type. NOT!! In the bathroom. Standing staring at me. What now? Oh, he doesn't speak English, I, unfortunately, don't speak Spanish (I want to learn how to and I will…..whole nother story) and I am supposed to tell him what to do!!!! I call the builders, they are not in yet!! About to blow a gasket. Guy standing, smiling at me. I'm smiling back thinking, 'I am going to strangle you' until I realize, it's definitely not his fault. He speaks perfect Spanish and a little English, so what? His boss is the one who should have told him what to do!! I offer him some coffee, but some of my earlier bad feelings must have shown on my face or something, because he said, 'no thank you' and smiled some more.
Suddenly, he pulls out his cell phone and says, 'Boss speak English' Can you believe that mess? Calls said boss, says something to him, then hands me the phone. Boss asks if there is a problem, I fume silently for a couple secs, then ask what the guy has been told to do. He tells me that he is supposed to make the floor look nice. Look nice?! Look nice?! It looks nice because I make it look nice!!! No, idiot, he is supposed to level out the flipping floor! It has a dip in it and you came out before to fix it and still did a crappy job! You had better get it right this time! Finally, the builder guy shows up (I left a couple nice messages and another one, not so nice) and tells him what to do. Hope they get it right this time!

I'm just gonna go offer Ole boy coffee, again!
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