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Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, lots of things have been going on in this world of ours. Martin Luther King’s daughter died yesterday, as did Rev. Jerry Falwell, Paris Hilton is going to jail and Shrek 3 is out. Oh, and Anna Nichole Smith died months ago (only one would think it just happened yesterday because Entertainment Tonight WILL NOT LET IT GO!!) Omg! That poor girl probably needs more drugs in her grave. They are digging up every little bit of video and photo record there is on Anna. And they want to talk about the Paparazzi as though they are sooooooo much better! Please!!

Anyway, I wrote all that to say this….we are so quick to point fingers at other people but ignore the fact that we do the same things all the time. For example, the ladies on the show, ‘The View’. For some strange reason, they have decided to become the morality police, self-appointed, of course!! They talk about role models for kids and stuff like that. Now, I am all for kids having positive role models but I do think that the parents should always be the people that the children look up to first. The parents have to be a shining example for the kids before expecting anyone else to be. But I digress. Paris being famous for being famous does not impress the ladies on The View!! Hey, if the world is buying it, it ain’t Ms. Hilton’s fault. Now I think she was not very smart to have drinks and then drive, knowing full well that she had a suspended driver’s license, but hey, her problem. I think she should pay for that but I don’t think we should be doing cartwheels and doing the running man just because she is going to jail!! Have a heart!!:-)

My problem is that while Rosie and the Gang are pointing fingers at the rest of the world, they are not practicing what they preach. I know that a lot of people were upset that Britney Spears married K Fed. Again, their (Brit and K Fed) problem. I can understand their respective relatives feeling one way or the other about it, but anyone else! Anyway, when they announced that they were getting a divorce, the ladies? on The View were ecstatic and were cheering with confetti raining down on them. Now this young couple was married and had two children. Hello! Rosie, kids are watching you getting really excited about a family breaking up. What kind of message are YOU sending to those impressionable young kids?? Think about that!

Bottom line, take care of your kids, teach them the difference between right and wrong and while they may not always get it right when they go out into the world, your voice should be their conscience, always in the back of their minds, telling them to do the right thing. Teach them to be accountable for their own actions and don’t help them to blame everyone and everything else. I know I still hear my Mom’s voice in the back of my noggin. I don’t always make the best choices, but I DO always know that I CAN make the right choice, regardless of what is going on in the world.

Just a little food for thought:-)

Have a nice day!!!

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